Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Friday, June 25, 2010

When I was searching for a Strawberry Pie recipe, it perplexed to find that the only recipes that used fresh strawberries were the no-bake pies I shared with you earlier. Call me crazy, but after being obsessed with Pushing Daisies and the Pie Maker and watching him week after week make glorious looking strawberry filled pies I was determined to find one that you bake. Lo and behold, I find a recipe for this gorgeous looking Strawberry Rhubarb Pie on my ever favorite blog Smitten Kitchen. I confess I have never eaten rhubarb and when I found some at the farmers market last weekend I jumped for joy, then looked perplexed at the celery looking fruit (or vegetable?) wondering how in the world THAT can taste good? Nevertheless, I bought some a vowed to bake up the pie because for crying out loud I'll never know if I don't try. And I am sure glad I did.

Sorry this picture is from my iphone so it is terrible, but you can see that it turned out fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. That pie looks so yummy! I love the flavor of Rhubarb wuth strawberries. We also like to dip our rhubarb in sugar and eat it like candy. It is for sure an aquired taste.
