Project 365-February Layout #3

Friday, February 26, 2010

My super bright layout for today is from Valentines Day. We took the kids & my parents & sisters to Grimaldi's for pizza and played at the playground at San Tan. My dad bought us all ice cream and the kids got to look at the pet store for the kind of puppy they want. Olivia really wants to get a dog that's "not too big, and not too small Momma" and name her Frannie.


  1. Hey...if you're in the market for a puppy you might consider purchasing one of mine!! They'
    re a "designer-dog" mix of purebred Shih Tzu, and Maltese....absolutely ADORABLE, non-shedding and allergy friendly!! They're 3 1/2 weeks old and soooooo cute....need to come see them!!

  2. OMIGOSH I bet they are insanely cute. I need to check them out asap! I'm all about the non shedding and allergy friendly.

  3. Just come over anytime you're in the neighborhood and see the truck in the front driveway!!! They're starting to bark, and play!!
